Pelvic PT Mentorship

So, Instagram is "down" today which is forcing me to catch up on a lot of things that Ive gotten a bit behind on. Writing regular blogs being one of them! 

I got into pelvic floor PT a bit "backwards".  I was using postural restoration techniques on all types of clients in an outpatient clinic, and I started having client after client tell me that the pelvic floor symptoms they were too scared to talk about before, were actually getting better, or were completely resolved.

This blew my mind! It also made me incredibly curious.

I hadn't even touched, or even talked about their pelvic floor.

But, we had managing their breathing, spinal mobility, alignment, nervous system and pelvic control. 

With this handle on how "it all works together"  after just taking one pelvic floor class I felt ready and confident to move my practice into 100% pelvic floor. That and there was an incredible need in my community, so word spread fast, and ready or not I was a full time pelvic floor PT. 

While the learning curve was steep, one of the most challenging things with pelvic health is that it's a bit isolating. 

You practice in a private room. If you are the only pelvic health PT in your workplace, or in your community there is no one to "bounce" ideas off of. If you are in a "sports" clinic often times people are "afraid" of what you do and don't want to really talk about it. 

The work is also really heavy sometimes. Clients are often working through some of the most difficult experiences and diagnoses that impact their ver vital functions. It's easy to get very involved with clients lives, and struggles, which can be very taxing and lead to burn out. 

Over the last few years, learning to integrate the whole body into pelvic health treatment has allowed me to feel confident managing even the most "complex" clients and find ways to avoid burnout, and stay passionate about my profession.

I would like to be able to pass this information and integration on to more passionate professionals 

Whether you are a pelvic health therapist, yoga instructor, pilates teacher, strength coach working with clients in person or virtually, I would love you to join me in learning in a small group mentorship in OCTOBER

We will meet 4 times on ZOOM for 90 mins each - Recordings Available If you cannot attend live.

October 7th, October 14th, October 21 and October 28th at 1 PM EST 

 Each Week you will be provided with pre-readings/work to get our brains going and to help you pose questions.

A Slack chat for all members to get questions answered right away! 

We will work through Cases, Q&A , and we will be going "beyond the basics" of pelvic floor to really understand EVERY client better! 

You will leave each session with immediately actionable items to help you in your practice right away! 





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