What is a Virtual Pelvic Wellness Session?

Work online with a physical therapist?


Kind of sounds like an oxymoron right? 

I felt the exact same way,  March 2020. 

I was early in my second pregnancy and a local OB was actually the first person in our county to have COVID -19. He had delivered babies symptomatic, prior to testing positive and I knew nurses, and treated clients who had been in contact with him in that window.  Yup, small Town NC. 

I was nervous. We had no clue how it would impact pregnancies at that point, and I just didn't feel comfortable taking that risk for myself or my clients.

My older sons daycare also closed, and so I decided I was going to be all virtual and be home with my son. 

I took some online webinars about  how to best "DO" virtual PT, and I thought, ok, fine.  I don't think this is really going to work great, but I will do what I gotta do. 

Then, amazing things started happening! 

People started getting better!

People really liked working together from home!

I really liked working with clients from home! 

I was shocked. 

Somehow discussing pelvic floor problems seemed less intimidating virtually, and the lack of connection I was worried about being on a screen and not in person, really was a non issue. 

Working with people in their own space helped us create home programs that "worked" for the patient. They were more likely to actually preform the program, because they had already created the "set up" at home. 

After I had my second son, and decided to launch Hayley Kava PT "For Real" I knew I wanted to keep the virtual side of things alive, along with returning to see clients in person. 

This also corresponded with a cross country move for our family, and so it allowed me to maintain connections and relationships with clients despite our Military life. 

I started having clients from all over the US and the world reach out. Looking for education, support and guidance in their healing and wellness journey that wasn't available to them where they lived. 

People in parts of the US that had "tried" and "failed" in person PT and wanted a new perspective on their body and their health. I love to get to be that objective "second look". Because I have a secret, you have certainly NOT "FAILED" anything. 

"Pelvic Wellness Services" have become a big part of my business, and I part I really cherish. They are available to those outside NC and MN. 

These services are NOT "Physical Therapy" they are 1:1 sessions with ME where we discuss your questions, review your story, and how your limitations are impacting your life. 

In these sessions we explore movement, strength, mobility and based on this initial meeting I curate education, resources and a program specifically tailored to you to help you reach your goals. 

The intension of these sessions is to not "diagnose" or "treat" a specific diagnosis. But to look at you HOLISTICALLY, and help you learn to manage your WHOLE BODY. 

Strangely enough, it's a lot like how I approach working with my Physical Therapy Clients...

So what can I expect from a Pelvic Wellness Session? 


Before we even get into the session, I send clients some online intake forms, and health history forms. You can fill in as much or a little detail as you would like on these forms- as we will always discuss more in person if you are more comfortable with that. 

Occasionally, I will request some additional info before the session, so having the forms done ahead of time is helpful (but not necessary) 

I also often recommend clients write down ANY questions they have or specific goals they have that they can either end to me before or just keep in hand as to not forget them as we get into the session! 

You will then get a secure video link that you will use for the session.

I recommend comfortable clothes for your session.

You will NOT need to undress for ANY reason on camera, we do not assess pelvic floors/vulva's directly on screen. That being said, sometimes if needed we can guide you through a self pelvic floor muscle screen as well as self management techniques. 

In terms of equipment, nothing is NECESSARY. It can be very helpful to have

* I have included amazon affiliate links here, and so do receive a small commission on links used* 

Once we are live on video we will chat, review your story, your goals, I will take you through various movements and we will experiment with different exercises and techniques. By the end of the session we will have a plan in place for your home program and I will send that to you after the session with videos to all of your exercises in a google sheets document. There will be plenty of time for questions, and if you forget something, no worries, I am happy to answer all of your questions via email or your google sheets document following the session 


"Pelvic Wellness" Services are for those living OUTSIDE North Carolina OR Minnesota. These services are NOT eligible for reimbursement through your insurance company, but are HSA or FSA eligible. 


 If you feel ready to take the next step to take back control of your pelvic floor (and more) Head to my "WORK WITH ME" page and find the service that is right for you! I offer FREE 15 min phone calls to help determine if we are a good fit, and if 

If you have any questions about what services are right for you please to not hesitate to reach out to me directly at [email protected]




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