Does pelvic floor muscle "strength" even matter at all?

Does Pelvic Floor Muscle Strength Matter… AT ALL?


We have been hearing for years and years and years that you NEED a strong pelvic floor.


“Do your kegels so you don’t leak pee”


“do your kegels so your vagina doesn’t fall out”


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The Power of the Thorax

Did you know that a 2018 study showed that 95.3% of women with lumbo pelvic (pain in low back /pelvis) had SOME FORM of pelvic floor dysfunction? 1


A 2017 literature review revealed that increased thoracic kyphosis (rounded upper back) and decreased lumbar lordosis (decreased low back...

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Allow me to (re) Introduce myself


Hi Friends, 


I made this video for a side project I am working on, and I figured it would be a great little post for my site. You can get really up close (literally to my face) and personal. Hear some of my story, and why I LOVE this work so much. 


I hope you enjoy! 

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Pelvic Girdle Pain ... I dare you to move

"That’s just a part of being pregnant” … File that under phrases that pelvic health therapists HATE!

 Whether it’s leaking pee, hemorrhoids, constipation, pain of any kind in the pelvis, pelvic floor vulva or vagina that does not require a “medical”...

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If I Leak am I Weak?

Did you know that over 50% of elite female athletes and elite dancers who have not given birth leak urine while training? 

Shouldn't this cohort of females have the "strongest" pelvic floors?

Isn't leaking urine related to a "weak" pelvic floor? 

Great questions...  


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What if it's not "Just a Little Leak"


Urinary Incontinence (leaking pee) is a main reason why women attend pelvic floor physical therapy. 

However, despite the awareness of the impact of urinary incontinence rising, and the awareness of how pelvic floor PT's can help in the US leaking pee is still a BIG ISSUE. And many women are...

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What to Expect at Your First Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy Appointment

 1 in 3 of ALL women will experience some sort of pelvic floor disorder in their lifetime!

Think back to Pre-Covid times… ahh. Not too long though! If you were in public and looked left and right. At least one of those women you saw (or maybe it was you too)  has a pelvic floor...

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